Three factors which may be driving the sharp increase in melanoma incidence globally over the last 100 years:

  1.  Cultural and or fashion changes Less covering up with clothing.
  2.  The ozone-layer. Depletion of the ozone layer, increasing UV index
  3. Climate change. Different continents increasing in temperature/less clothing

The following four factors which may contribute to the higher relative incidence of melanoma in Australasia:

A higher incidence in Australasia is recognised due to migration since colonisation over the last 250 years. Populations of light skinned individuals have geographically translocated from low UV index regions to a country with regular, high daily UV index readings. Proximity to the equator, the earth’s orbit around the sun, less pollution and clear skies.

  1. Rosendahl, C. (2020, February). Course textbook Core Knowledge and Professional
    Practice, Chapter 6 [PDF Document]. The University of Queensland
  2. Rosendahl, C. (2018, June). Course textbook Core Knowledge and Professional Practice,
    Chapter 9 [PDF Document]. The University of Queensland
  3. Connell, A. (2021). IMED7003 [PowerPoint assessed discussion board Case 3]. IMAGE CREDIT.

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